The European Training Network “Smart tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control (TOMOCON)” joins 12 international academic institutions and 15 industry partners, who work together in the emerging field of industrial process control using smart tomographic sensors. The network offers a comprehensive doctoral training to 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs).

Meet our Early Stage Researchers

Latest TOMOCON news:

June 2023

Our ESR 14 Marzieh Hosseini from University of Eastern Finland successfully defended her PhD entitled “Moisture control in microwave drying process using electrical capacitance tomography” on 26th May 2023.

Congratulations Marzieh and all the best for your future career!



February 2023

ESR 3 Yuchong Zhang from Chalmers University of Technology successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title “From Industry to Practice: Can Users Tackle Domain Tasks with Augmented Reality?” on 17th February 2023.

More info can be found here:

Congratulations to Yuchong and all the best for your future career!


January 2023

ESR 4 Matheus Martinez Garcia from Delft University of Technology received the award for the best movie in the Summer Meeting of the Fluids Engineering Division of ASME. Congratulations to Matheus!

We wish all remaining TOMOCON ESRs a good start and much success in the new year 2023!



December 2022

Our ESR 15 Rahul Yadav from University of Eastern Finland successfully defended his PhD with the title “Neural network and Bayesian inversion methods for industrial process imaging using microwave tomography” on 21st December 2022. Congratulations Rahul and all the best for your future career!

We also wish the TOMOCON community, its supporters, friends and followers a merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, relaxing as well as successful New Year 2023!



November 2022

Our TOMOCON ESRs Shereen Abouelazayem from Technical University of Liberec and Soheil Aghajanian from Lappeenranta University of Technology have successfully defended their PhDs. Congratulations to Shereen and Soheil!

Shereen’s PhD defense with the title “Control of continuous casting process based on two-dimensional flow field measurements” took place on 11th November 2022 and Soheil defended his PhD with the title “Reactive crystallisation studies of CaCO3 ‎processing via a CO2 capture process: real-time ‎crystallisation monitoring, fault detection, and ‎hydrodynamic modelling” on 4th November 2022. We wish both ESRs all the best!


September 2022

On 15th September 2022, ESR 5 Artem Blishchik from Delft University of Technology successfully defended his PhD with the title “Numerical modeling of conjugate magnetohydrodynamic flow phenomena”. Congratulations to Artem! We wish him all the best for his future endeavors!


June 2022

TOMOCON has issued a Special Issue entitled “Tomographic Sensors for Industrial Process Control” which has been published in the journal MDPI Sensors. In the Special Issue, the main project results have been presented including the latest scientific and technical achievements in the field of process control using process tomography techniques. The presented technical solutions include tomography sensors, data processing and control strategies with proof-of-principle demonstrations. In total, 16 paper have been published. You can find them under the following link or under Publications.


May 2022

On 26th May 2022, ESR 11 Guruprasad Rao from Lodz University of Technology completed his PhD defense successfully and was also awarded a PhD with distinction by the committee. Congratulations! We wish Guru all the best for his future career as well as his personal and professional endeavors!

The TOMOCON Consortium will furthermore conduct a final TOMOCON Supervisory Board Meeting at the end of June 2022.


April 2022

Congratulations to Muhammad Awais Sattar (ESR 10) from Lodz University of Technology who defended his PhD entitled “Tomography-based Approaches for Process Visualization and Control: Exemplary Case of Inline Fluid Separation” on 22nd April 2022 at Lodz University of Technology. He is the 4th ESR in the TOMOCON project to receive his PhD.

The next PhD defense for our TOMOCON ESR 11 Guruprasad Rao also from Lodz University of Technology will take place on 26th May 2022. We wish Guru the best of luck!



March 2022

Very good news! ESR 13 Panagiotis Koulountzios from University of Bath had his PhD defense in March 2022 and passed it successfully! Congratulations to Panos!

The next PhD defense for our TOMOCON ESR 10 Muhammad Awais Sattar from Lodz University of Technology will take place on 22nd April 2022.

In the meantime, the TOMOCON Consortium is finalizing the TOMOCON Final Report which will be submitted at the end of April 2022.


February 2022

Congratulations to our TOMOCON ESR 6 Hanane Atmani who successfully defended her PhD in February 2022!

Please also have a look at our new Inline Fluid Separation demonstration video. In the video, our TOMOCON ESR 4 Matheus Garcia from Delft University of Technology presents you the inline fluid separator facility at Delft University of Technology that has been developed for the TOMOCON project and its demonstration:


January 2022

The TOMOCON project is slowly coming to an end and most of the ESRs are currently in the last stage of writing their PhD theses summarizing their main project results and findings. Our ESR 12 Imamul Muttakin from University of Bath has already passed his PhD. Congratulations! Furthermore, our ESR 6 Hanane Atmani from INPT, France will defend her PhD with the title “Hybrid CFD simulation of two-phase flow in inline flow splitters using VOF and Lagrangian models” in February 2022.


December 2021

TOMOCON wishes its project members, friends and followers a wonderful holiday season and a successful start into the new year with a lot of health, great ideas and joyful moments.


November 2021

In November 2021, ESR 2 Ivan Glavinić gave a talk about Contactless Inductive Flow Tomography for real-time control of electromagnetic actuators at HZDR where he presented his work conducted during the TOMOCON project.




October 2021

The Microwave Drying demonstration was conducted at the HEPHAISTOS laboratory at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Have a look at the demonstration video to learn about the demonstrator, the numerical simulations conducted and the overall process of the microwave drying of porous foams:


September 2021

Our TOMOCON ESRs presented their results from the four demonstrations during the TOMOCON Final Symposium in Toulouse. Have a look at their demonstration videos where ESR 2 Ivan Glavinić explains to you the set-up of the demonstrator and the principles of continuous casting:


For the Batch Crystallization demonstrator, ESR 8 Soheil Aghajanian explains the integrated CO2 capture – CaCO3 crystallization setup at the LUT University Pilot Hall: as well as the real-time malfunction detection of the CaCO3 reactive crystallization process by ERT and USCT:


August 2021

Our Final TOMOCON Symposium took place in a hybrid format as a face-to-face meeting with virtual participation from 25th to 27th August 2021 at IMFT in Toulouse, France. Over 45 participants attended the event, half of them virtually and half of them on site. During the three days, the ESRs presented their research results in individual presentations and gave an overview of the results of the demonstrations Inline Fluid Separation, Continuous Casting, Microwave Drying and Batch Crystallization in four group presentations. For more information, please click here.


July 2021

On 7th July 2021, a TOMOCON Live Demonstration Meeting took place where our four demonstration groups Inline Fluid Separation, Microwave Drying, Continuous Casting and Batch Crystallization each had 30 minutes to demonstrate and explain their demonstration setups, methods, technologies and experimental procedures. The meeting was very well received with approximately 50 participants attending the live demo presentations.


We also congratulate our ESRs Yuchong Zhang, Adel Omrani and Rahul Yadav. Their paper entitled “A Novel Augmented Reality System to Support Volumetric Visualization in Industrial Process Tomography” has won the best paper award at the 15th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction. Please find the abstract attached.


June 2021

The Global 10th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT-10) will now take place as a global virtual event from 13th to 16th September 2021. Please register if you would like to attend the sessions. To present a paper, a 2-page abstract needs to be submitted by 30th July 2021. For the congress proceedings, a 6-page paper needs to be submitted by 24th September 2021. For more information, please visit:


Dr. Timo Lähivaara from University of Eastern Finland has given an an online seminar talk titled “Microwave tomography” on 8th June 2021 at Tianjin University, China. The talk has been related to the research activities of the TOMOCON project.


May 2021

Due to pandemic situation and regulations in France and Europe, the Final TOMOCON Symposium will be postponed to 25th to 27th August 2021. It will take place as a hybrid event (face-to-face meeting with possibility for online participation) in Toulouse, France. The participation will be limited to TOMOCON project members and 2 or 3 keynote speakers. The organization of the event is currently ongoing.


April 2021

In April 2021, TOMOCON invited our 15 ESRs to participate in a special online training about career development opportunities, job aspects, the application process for the EU postdoctoral fellowship programme as well as CV discussion and review. The workshop has been divided in four sessions and has been hosted by Dr. Tobias Bauer who is well connected to the TOMOCON project and has well-established experiences in the application and evaluation process of successful EU proposals.


March 2021

TOMOCON has decided to present its research results in a special issue of the journal MDPI Sensors. The special issue also invites researchers from different fields to publish their latest scientific and technical achievements in the field of process control using process tomography techniques. The focus of this special issue is on a holistic demonstration of this technology for typical industrial processes, preferably in the fields of chemical, environmental or energy engineering.


February 2021

Our TOMOCON Advisor Prof. Brian Hoyle would like to share a reminder of the forthcoming ISIPT World Congress. The ISIPT World Congress provides a foundational platform for sharing knowledge in industrial process tomography with the aim of gaining major global benefits, e.g. supporting Industry 4.0 to deliver smarter processes and advance climate goals. The World Congress-10 will take place from 12th to 16th September 2021 in Tianjin, China. For more information, please visit


January 2021

ESR 11 Guruprasad Rao and ESR 10 Muhammad Awais Sattar from Lodz University of Technology have successfully published a journal article entitled “Quantitative Evaluations with 2D Electrical Resistance Tomography in the Low-Conductivity Solutions using 3D-Printed Phantoms and Sucrose Crystal Agglomerate Assessments” in the special issue of MDPI Tomography sensing technologies by TOMOCON member Prof. Soleimani. 


December 2020

TOMOCON wishes all its project members, colleagues, supporters, friends and followers a happy and peaceful holiday season and a good start into the new year 2021 with especially much health, great ideas and a lot of success for the TOMOCON demonstrations and all upcoming TOMOCON activities!


November 2020

ESR 1 Benjamin Sahovic from HZDR, ESR 4 Matheus Garcia from TU Delft and ESR 10 Muhammad Awais Sattar from Lodz University of Technology have managed to build and run a controlled inline fluid separation setup at TU Delft. The setup incorporates both tomographic sensors, the wire-mesh sensor (WMS) placed upstream the swirling region and the electrical resistance tomography sensor (ERT) evaluating the separation. A novel approach developed by ESR 10 regarding the ERT has enabled to process and send measurement data to the controller in real time. Initial tests with a controller, developed by ESR 4, have resulted in an increase in efficiency of the separation when compared to the process without an active control.


October 2020

The last TOMOCON event will be the TOMOCON Final Symposium which will take place from 28th to 30th June 2021 in Toulouse, France. The event will be conducted as a PhD oriented workshop and will include presentations of our 15 TOMOCON ESRs presenting their main research results and presentations of several PhD students that will be selected by the TOMOCON Consortium.


September 2020

ESR 4 Matheus Garcia from Delft University of Technology successfully conducted his secondment at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in July and August 2020. During the secondment Matheus and ESR 1 Benjamin Sahovic were implementing the online wire-mesh sensor and succeeded in transfering the data in real time in preparation for the final demonstration at TU Delft.


August 2020

The 3rd TOMOCON Summer School took place this year as a fully virtual event from 27th to 29th July 2020. The event was organized by Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, focusing on the topics of “Process Tomography and Data Processing”. The third day was dedicated to a “Problem-oriented thinking” workshop where the students learned about product optimization, innovation and creative thinking techniques. For more details, click here.


Before the Summer School, the 3rd TOMOCON Virtual Workshop took place from 22nd to 24th July 2020 also as a fully virtual event. The workshop was organized by University of Eastern Finland and was attended by more than 45 TOMOCON members. During the meeting, the ESRs, their supervisors and industry partners met in their individual demo groups and discussed the current project status and the next steps for the planning of the final demonstrations. Afterwards, the ESRs presented their findings and the demo plan to the whole Consortium.


July 2020

During the 21st IFAC World Congress, which took place fully virtually from 11th to 17th July 2020, TOMOCON participated with an own session entitled “Process control with tomographic sensors”. The session had in total 6 contributions from which 4 contributions were from TOMOCON ESRs, 1 from our TOMOCON Advisor Prof. Masa Takei and 1 contribution was external. The session presentations were of very high quality and included video and audio sequences. More details on the event can be found here.


June 2020

The 3rd TOMOCON Summer School will take place this year as a virtual event from 27th to 29th July 2020. The organizer is Lappeenranta University of Technology. The Summer School topics are chemical process modeling, multiphase flow modeling and introduction to creative thinking. The attendance for external students is very welcome. For registration to the event, please contact Mrs. Susann Riedel: Registration will be open until 22.07.2020. For more information, please also visit our TOMOCON Event Website.


May 2020

The 3rd TOMOCON Workshop & Summer School which were planned to take place in Finland in July 2020 will now be conducted as virtual meetings due to the covid-19 outbreak. The agendas for both events are currently being updated. Due to its virtual form the TOMOCON workshop will be extended to 3 days. Therefore, please update the following dates in your calendar:

TOMOCON Virtual Workshop: 22nd – 24th July 2020

TOMOCON Virtual Summer School: 27th – 29th July 2020

On 14th May 2020, our project member Timo Lähivaara from University of Eastern Finland gave a seminar talk entitled “Simulation based deep neural networks for wave problems” at the “Deep Learning for Medical and Industrial Imaging”, an online networking event about UEF’s recent work on microwave tomography.


April 2020

Due to the current situation with covid-19, the 21st IFAC World Congress 2020 will take place as a virtual conference. The dates of the congress will stay the same as originally planned (12.-17.07.2020). TOMOCON will have a special session on the congress entitled “Processes control with tomographic sensors”. The deadline for final paper submission is 9th May 2020.

Furthermore, the WCIPT-10 that was supposed to take place in Sept. 2020 will be postponed by one year to Sept. 2021. The World Congress will be hosted by Tianjin University, China as originally planned.

Despite the covid-19 situation, TOMOCON ESR 1 Benjamin Sahovic conducted a successful secondment at Lodz University of Technology in March / April 2020 (see photo). Together with ESR 10 Muhammad Awais Sattar, Benjamin conducted experiments and collected tomographic data from the wire mesh and ERT sensors for the final demonstration setup at TU Delft.


March 2020

Due to the covid-19 outbreak, the TOMOCON Supervisory Board will review this year’s TOMOCON events, i.e. the 3rd TOMOCON Workshop & Summer School in Finland, the TOMOCON Session at IFAC 2020 and the secondments of the ESRs due to the uncertainty regarding travel restrictions, the regulations for group meetings and possible health risks for our TOMOCON community. More information will follow soon.

In the meantime, please take good care and stay healthy!


February 2020

Our TOMOCON Image Movie has finally been published. Discover our EU project and its stakeholders including short interview scenes from the involved institutions, company partners and our PhD students under the following link.

For more information visit:


January 2020

This year’s 3rd TOMOCON Workshop & Summer School will take place in Finland. The dates have already been confirmed. The TOMOCON Workshop will take place from 23th to 24th July 2020 at University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio and the TOMOCON Summer School will be conducted from 27th to 29th July 2020 at Lappeenranta University of Technology in Lappeenranta, Finland.


December 2019

TOMOCON and its members enjoyed a great year with some highlights being the 2nd TOMOCON Workshop & Summer School in Delft, the TOMOCON Control Workshop in Liberec, the accomplishment of all due TOMOCON Deliverables and Milestones and a successful interim report submitted to the EU. We thank everybody for your hard and hopefully enjoyable work and wish you a Merry Christmas or otherwise joyful and peaceful days, good recreation and many new great ideas for the next year!


November 2019

ESR 3 Yuchong Zhang, ESR 10 Muhammad Awais Sattar and ESR 11 Guruprasad Rao successfully accomplished their secondments at Siemens AG, Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Paraná, Brazil and at Technical University of Liberec in November 2019.


Oct. 2019

TOMOCON has proposed a special session (Open Invited Track) entitled “Process control with tomographic sensors” for the 21st IFAC World Congress to be held in Berlin, Germany from 12th to 17th July. We are pleased to announce that the session proposal has been accepted. The deadline for IFAC draft manuscript submissions has been extended to 18th November 2019. More details can be found under:

Official teaser for the session: IFAC Teaser Tomography-based Control


Sept. 2019

The TOMOCON highlight in September was the TOMOCON Control Workshop taking place from 19th to 24th September 2019 at TU Liberec, Czech Republic. The workshop was attended by 27 participants including 13 ESRs from the TOMOCON project and 6 external students. The TOMOCON Board invited two international renowned keynote speakers, Prof. Love from Imperial College London and Prof. Schulte from University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HTW), to give lectures on Model Predictive and Fuzzy Control. The workshop was concluded with a practical hands-on training organized by Prof. Hlava from TU Liberec. For further information, please click here.


Aug. 2019

From 19th to 24th September 2019, the TOMOCON project will organize a Control Workshop at TU Liberec. Keynote speeches will be given by Prof. Jonathan Love, Imperial College London and Prof. Horst Schulte from HTW Berlin. The Workshop will conclude with a practical hands-on training at the TU Liberec labs.

Furthermore, there will be a small international conference “Inverse Days” in Finland that might be of interest for researchers and students working on tomographic imaging. The conference will take place this year from 16th to 18th December 2019 in Jyväskylä, Finland. For more information, please click here.


July 2019

The 2nd TOMOCON Summer School successfully took place from 1st to 3rd July 2019 in Delft, The Netherlands, focusing on the topics of process tomography and data processing. The third day was dedicated to a soft skills training in career development, entrepreneurship and innovation. One of the highlights of the Summer School was a Company Visit to our project partner Shell in Amsterdam. For more details of the event, please click here.

Before the Summer School, the 2nd TOMOCON Workshop took place from 27th to 28th June 2019 in Delft, The Netherlands and was attended by more than 40 TOMOCON project members. During the meeting, the ESRs, their supervisors and industry partners discussed their latest research activities and results and defined the next steps for their project work.


June 2019

Registration for the TOMOCON Summer School is still open until Monday, 24.06.2019. Please use the following link to register for the event.


We are pleased to announce that our ESRs Guruprasad Rao (and co-author Muhammad Awais Sattar) received the best paper award at the “International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop 2019” in Wismar, Germany (15-17 May 2019). The paper was entitled “Application of the 2D-ERT to evaluate phantom circumscribed regions in various sucrose solution concentrations”. Congratulations!


May 2019

Registration for the 2nd TOMOCON Summer School on “Process Tomography & Data Processing” from 1st to 3rd July 2019 in Delft, The Netherlands is now open for all external participants. Please use the following link to register for the event. The deadline for registration is 24.06.2019. Please also visit our social media channels and inform your friends, interested students etc. about the event.


April 2019

The 2nd TOMOCON Summer School will take place from 1st to 3rd July 2019 in Delft, The Netherlands. Registration for external participants will start soon.

Our ESR 6 Hanane Atmani from INPT, France is going to present her work ““Hybrid CFD simulation of two phase flow in inline flow splitters using VoF and Lagrangian models” at the International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), which will take place from 19th to 24th May 2019 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Please have a look at our new TOMOCON Flyer:


March 2019

In March 2019 ESR 2 Ivan Glavinić gave a presentation about “Flow control in the model of a continuous caster” during the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition in San Antonio, Texas, USA.

From Feb. to March 2019 ESR 8 Soheil Aghajanian successfully conducted his secondment at Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse in France and ESR 10 at Teletronic Rossendorf GmbH in Germany where he learned about FPGA programming and analog & digital data processing (see image).


February 2019

The dates for the 2nd TOMOCON Workshop and Summer School in Delft, The Netherlands, have now been fixed. The Workshop will take place from 27th to 28th June 2019 and the Summer School from 1st to 3rd July 2019. Please save the dates in your calendars!

On 22nd February 2019, our TOMOCON Supervisor Dr. Timo Lähivaara from University of Eastern Finland gave a seminar talk on “Microwave tomography with an application on estimating moisture content distribution in a porous foam” at the University of Delaware, USA.

ESR 2 Ivan Glavinić and ESR 12 Imamul Muttakin successfully conducted their secondment at our TOMOCON university partner Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic, in Feb. 2019.




January 2019

The TOMOCON recruitment has finally been completed. Our last PhD student, Matheus Garcia from Brazil (ESR 4), started his PhD programme on 7th January 2019 at TU Delft where he will conduct experimental research on the inline swirl separator.

The 2nd TOMOCON Workshop & Summer School will take place this year in Delft, The Netherlands. Please regularly check the TOMOCON website for future information regarding the actual dates.


December 2018

TOMOCON wishes its project members, cooperation partners and research friends a happy and peaceful holiday season as well as a good start into the New Year 2019 with good health, great results and successful collaborations!



November 2018

The highlight of Nov. 2018 was the Company Visit of the Continuous Casting Demo Group at Tata Steel in IJmuiden, The Netherlands. ESR 2, 5, 9 and 12 visited the steel plant & casters, learned about the steel-making industry and presented their project work in individual presentations. The Company Visit gave the PhD students a good insight into industry and made them look forward to their secondment at Tata in Feb. 2020.


October 2018

The 1st TOMOCON Summer School successfully took place from 26th to 28th September 2018 in Lublin, Poland. The event was co-organized by Lodz University of Technology and Netrix Company and focused on the topics of  industrial sensors and control engineering. The third day was dedicated to a soft skills training, namely project management, team building and communication skills. For more details about the event, please click here.

The 1st TOMOCON Workshop took place before the Summer School from 24th to 25th September 2018 in Lodz, Poland. More than 40 project members attended the event including 14 of the early stage researchers. During the workshop each ESR had to prepare a Pecha Kucha technical presentation of his / her research project and the responsible EU officer Nina Poumpalova attended the event for the required mid-term check and highlighted that the project is overall progressing well.


September 2018

The 9th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT-9) took place from 2nd to 6th September 2018 in Bath, UK hosting the world-wide experts in the field of process tomography. The participating ESRs benefited from exploring new themes in the science and technology of Industrial Process Tomography (IPT) and presented their research projects and results to the IPT community.

The last PhD student, ESR 4 from Delft University of Technology, has been recruited and will probably start his PhD programme at the beginning of December 2018.


August 2018

The next TOMOCON project highlight will be the 9th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography from 2nd to 6th September 2018 in Bath, UK where many project members will attend and present their research work.

Welcome ESR 3 and ESR 7! Both ESRs started their research projects at Chalmers University of Technology and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in August 2018. Furthermore, ESR 10 successfully completed his secondment at Rocsole.


July 2018

The preparations for the 1st TOMOCON Workshop and Summer School are still ongoing. You can still register for the Summer School and find out more information via the following link.

ESR 5, 6, 9 and 12 successfully completed their secondments at HZDR and ESR 8 started with his PhD Programme at Lappeenranta University of Technology on 1st June 2018.

The Inline Fluid Separation Demo Group met on 10th July 2018 to report on recent activities and discuss the sensor strategy, control, separator and sensor topologies.


June 2018

Registrations for the 1st TOMOCON Summer School from 26th to 28th September in Lublin, Poland are now open. Please use the following link for more information about the event.

The 2nd Demonstration Meeting for Continuous Casting successfully took place on 19th June 2018. Besides the ESRs from the demonstration group, university and company representatives from TU Delft, TU Liberec, Tata Steel and Primetals discussed the present status of the demonstrator and visited the lab facilities.


May 2018

The first ESRs started their secondments at HZDR. They will conduct experimental studies on two-phase flows and work on the development of a demonstrator for controlling the fluid flow in the mold of a slab caster using inductive sensors. This demonstrator will be realized using the MINI-LIMMCAST facility which is available at HZDR.

The 1st TOMOCON Summer School and Workshop will take place from 24th to 28th September in Lodz & Lublin, Poland. Registrations for the Summer School will start soon.


April 2018
The TOMOCON Kick-Off Meeting successfully took place from 17th to 20th April 2018 in Dresden with company visits at Siemens AG and Linde AG in Munich. With more than 65 participants from 24 countries including 12 ESRs, the project members came together for the first time to get to know each other, attend keynote lectures as well as introductory technical trainings.

ESR 2, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 started with their PhD programme in April at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Delft University of Technology, Lodz University of Technology, the University of Bath and the University of Eastern Finland.

The Demonstration Planning Meeting for “Batch Crystallization” successfully took place on 6th April 2018 in Lahti, Finland.


March 2018
ESR 1, 6, 9 and 14 started with their PhD programme in March at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, the Technical University of Liberec and the University of Eastern Finland.

The Demonstration Planning Meeting for “Inline Fluid Separation” successfully took place on 21st March 2018 in Delft.


Feb. 2018
The first ESRs have been recruited and will start their PhD programme in March 2018.

The Demonstration Planning Meeting for “Inline Fluid Separation” will take place on 21st March 2018 in Delft and for “Batch Crystallization” on 6th April 2018 in Lahti, Finland.

The preparations for the Kick-Off Meeting are ongoing.


Jan. 2018
The Kick-Off Meeting is scheduled from 17th to 20th April 2018 in Dresden and Munich.

The recruitment process of the ESRs is ongoing.

The Demonstration Planning Meeting for “Tomography-controlled Continous Metal Casting” took place at HZDR on 16th Jan. 2018.


Dec. 2017
Due to the ongoing recruitment process, the TOMOCON Kick-Off Meeting has been shifted to the 2nd half of April 2018.


Nov. 2017
The Demonstration Planning Meeting for “Tomography-controlled Microwave Drying of Porous Material” took place at KIT on 29th Nov. 2017.

The recruitment process of the ESRs has been started.


Oct. 2017
The Project Assistant has been recruited.


Sept. 2017
The Executive Board Meeting took place in Munich on 26.09.2017. The main objectives of the project and the current status were discussed. The TOMOCON beneficiaries and partners were introduced.

Official start of the project.

Have a look at our TOMOCON Interactive World Map to see how international the project is and from which countries the TOMOCON project partners and ESRs come:

   TOMOCON also has an own YouTube channel. Feel free to visit us!